Thursday, August 25, 2005
Getting My Priorities Together
1 Starbucks Venti Cool Mint Mocha Frappucino: $4.56
$12,000 / $4.56 = 2,631.5 Venti Cool Mint Mocha Frappucinos
Why am I going to college when I could be sitting around drinking these things all day?
Monday, August 22, 2005
First Day of Classes
Here is how my day panned out.
8:15a.m. - Woke up to my alarm clock playing Outkast. It was exciting, but now I don't remember which song it was because they all sort of sound the same. I thought that this is going to be a great day. I walked out of my room and looked outside and it was beautiful. I can see about 10 miles east out of my sliding glass doors in my apartment (pictures and video coming soon) and for miles and miles all it was, was blue sky with puffy white clouds marching by in perfect intervals. It was exciting.
8:30a.m. - Was dressed and ready to go. Matt and I left the apartment because he and I have our fist class on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays together. It's Art Appreciation. We barely said anything to each other on the ride there. I am not sure if it was because we were too nervous, too excited, or too both. Either way, we were on our way.
9:00a.m. - Art Appreciation starts and Matt and I are 2 out of probably 150 people that are wondering why we are taking this class. Either way, the first class was exceptionally boring, and after it, I wondered if I would end up appreciating art more, or less? Matt says, "less."
9:55a.m. - Art Appreciation let out 5 minutes ago, and I am walking to the PRT because I have French 101 downtown. All is well, and I am crammed in to a tiny PRT car, with a porcelain skinned freshman girl with a map in her hand, and a bushy Sasquatch-esque older gentleman talking about how he wishes his literature class would include Lord of the Rings. Suddenly, Outkast came to mind and I was humming "Bombs Over Baghdad" in my head even though I knew that wasn't the song that was on the radio this morning.
10:13 or 14a.m. - I walk down to a building labeled Clark Hall of Chemistry. My schedule says I should be in Clark Hall, room 320 for French 101 so I assumed this was the one. Confused and feeling that if I didn't find the correct building by 11:30 incontinence would be setting in, I walked around the perimeter of Clark Hall of Chemistry looking for some sign that would just say "Clark Hall." I didn't find it, so I just decided to go up to room 320 and walk by and listen and see whether people were speaking this here Hall of Chemistry.
10:17 or 18a.m. - I am up on the third floor of Clark Hall of Chemistry, and walking past room 320. I hear a man talking about bonds and nuclei, and I suddenly became flustered.
10: oh I dunno...25a.m. - I find myself sitting in the hallway outside of room 320 waiting for it to let out (an hour from now) and just hoping that this is where I am supposed to be, and sooner or later other French students would be arriving (hopefully speaking in English so that I can ask them where the hell I am).
So I sit, and I sit, and I sit, and I eat a Rosemary & Olive Triscuit (which are absolutely amazing), and I sit and I sit, and the guy in the stock room I was sitting across from, decides to slam the stock room door so that I shit myself, and I sit, and I sit, and I sit.
11:00a.m. or so - Finally people start showing up (talking in English thank God) and are asking other people that are waiting if they are there for French 101 and if they are in Clark Hall. Suddenly, I don't feel as uncomfortable. I started listening in to this girl's conversation about where she was from for some mild form of entertainment, since I had been sitting around for about an hour, when suddenly a large blast from the end of the hallway paused the conversation. Out of nowhere a group of Chinese or Japanese (I can't tell a that racist?) people come storming down the hallway laughing and carrying on. However they were also screaming Japanese or Chinese words at an extremely fast rate, as if each of them had voice modulation disorder. Everyone in the hallway was frozen, and staring at this crew of Chinese or Japanese folks that seemed to be having the time of their life at 11:00a.m. on the first day of classes, in Clark Hall of Chemistry. Everyone looked confused, and slightly annoyed. I, on the other hand, tipped my hat below my eyes and laughed.
11:28a.m. - People start standing up to walk in to their respective classes, and noting that the girl that was talking about where she was from also mentioned she was there for French 101, I followed her in to 320 to my delight.
11:30a.m. on the dot - Things begin to get ugly. I sit down in one of the back, center chairs and watch as the professor (tall, blonde hair, Cro-magnum looking face, and what seems to be a remedial accent) sits his briefcase down on the table. He goes to the chalk board and begins writing what seem to be directions, in French. He says, "Welcome to French 101. Unlike today, each other day will-a be conducted entirely in French. I will now begin to call roll." Then suddenly that feeling of incontinence works it's way back inside of me. ENTIRELY IN FRENCH!? Are you kidding me? I had never had a class of French in my life. This is supposed to be Elementary French.
11:32a.m. - The two other guys and I got up and walked out of the class by instruction of the professor who said, "You are more than welcome to stay, otherwise good luck finding your class."
11:33a.m. - I get pissed off that I just sat there for an hour and a half for nothing.
11:45a.m. - I get to the Beechurst PRT station to find 50 or so people waiting to get back up to the Engineering station. No big deal, beacuse luckily all of them paid no regard to the capacity information, because two cars later I was on my way back to Evansdale.
12:00p.m. - I walk down to CAC to wait for Matt who gets out of his class at 1:30. Yes, folks, that's right, I will be sitting on my ass yet again for another hour and a half. This sit proved more entertaining.
12:15p.m. - A larger than usual woman walks by with a purple shirt, and a trash can full of...well...trash. I take out my phone, and begin capturing video of her. The video is narrated by me saying things like, "Oh yeah..." and "Shake it!" I later replayed the video on my phone and laughed hysterically. It turned out this was the most exciting part of my day.
So, I sat, and sat, and sat, and sat...
12:50 - Maria shows up in the lobby that I was sitting in just before she heads to her 1:00 class. It was fun because I haven't had a chance to talk or see her besides when I watched the marching band practice last week. She's a nice girl.
1:35 - I meet up with Matt, now that he is finally done his lesson, and we walk to his car. I tell him everything that you have just read.
In conclusion, today was very uneventful minus the couple of minutes of video I captured on my phone. Yay for WVU! :)
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
The Beginning

I may have a post titled this already but I don't think I do.
So, this is the beginning. It's the beginning of a lot of things. But, just as Semisonic so cleverly said, "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." This is very true. (Thank you to the person that corrected the band's name for me. I thought it was Semisonic and even went as far as to look it up, and still put Eve 6.)
I am finally settled in to the new apartment here at WVU. I love it so far. I was really lonely up until today when Matt moved in. So far, it's been a blast with him here. We were bored today so we went down to the Coliseum to watch the WVU marching band practice. They are really good, and it was so much fun to hear the music that I had been listening to on a CD, performed live.
I am very nervous about school starting. I will be less nervous when I figure out my finances, and know that everything is under control with that. So far I am very confused. Luckily I have an appointment with the financial aide department tomorrow. I pray that it goes well. I need to be up in a few hours but I can't sleep, so maybe I will go and try to do that.
I hope to have pictures, and video up of the apartment soon. Keep checking back to see if I have updated with those features. Probably by this time next week, it will happen. :)
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
The Summer of Understanding
This summer has been full of fun, surprises, hardships, and difficulties. The other day I was telling myself, "Man, this has been the worst summer of my life." But thinking back on it, it wasn't at all. I just say it was because I didn't get to go to the beach with my family, or best friend as I have in every single other year. I didn't find a job like I was hoping to do. It was and still is hectic getting everything together for WVU. And, after thorough editing of my friends, I have now balanced my life with the proper ones that I know will be there for me until the end. There is no better feeling than knowing you have made a choice like this.
I still feel however, that this summer was the most exciting. I made a lot of new friends. I made friends with people with whom I used to be very close. I had some difficulties with some friends. And, I have lost friends. The exchange is, however, worth it, I must admit. It feels good to know who is my friend, and who isn't. It gives me a very strong sense of security, and reassurance as to who I am.
This summer I will declare to myself as, "The Summer of Understanding." I have not only got to know so many new faces, but I have come to understand and know my own very well too. It's been an absolute blast, and I would give anything to be able to relive the fun and friendships I had experienced within the past couple months.
So, as I post my last blog of the summer, I would just like to say thank you to those of you (you know who you are) who made this summer one of the most enjoyable and memorable summers I've ever had. I love you all.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Moving Out & Gobletting
I am looking forward to the next two books, but also am sad that after I have read Half-Blood Prince, I will have to wait a long time before the 7th and final book of the series is published.
For those of you who have read the series, highlight the following gap for my thoughts on the Goblet of Fire thus far. For those of you who haven't read it, and don't want to read spoilers about the book, do NOT highlight below this point.
I couldn't believe it when Cedric died. It was the first death of a character in the series and I wasn't really prepared for it. I was really sad that he died, right after he had won the Triwizard Tournament with Harry. At least he died doing something he loved, right? What about Moody!?!?!?! I couldn't believe it when I had read it.
One thing I really liked about this book is that it didn't feature Snape a lot. I loved Snape's part in this book a lot. It was just enough for me. I am still wishing that he would at least cut Harry some sort of break, so that Harry isn't so worried. Snape seems like he may have a good side, and maybe those of you who are up to date with it, can agree or disagree silently at your computer screens (as I have not read past Goblet of Fire, and would not like to discuss the happenings of the following two books! : ) ).
Furthermore, I was really excited, sad, and overwhelmed when Harry's parents climbed out of that wand. I was hoping there would be more conversation with his parents, but all Harry said was, "Yes" to his mother. I understand they are echoes of the Priori Incantatem spell, but that's still a glimmer of hope for Harry.
Finally, J.K. Rowling is a genius.
Secondly, I am moving to Morgantown on Saturday!!!! I can't believe it's already here. I am really nervous about it all, but I am sure once I get there and everything starts happening as a routine, I will become much less nervous.
I must admit, I am going to miss Frostburg State. In some ways at least. I will miss knowing that I was comfortable there, regarding my grades, finances, and so on. That was easy for me. Right now that's not the case and it's very troublesome. I am going to miss my friends from there, and I am going to miss Brittney and Kristin's house, and being able to go there whenever I wanted to see my best friends.
Sorry that the grammar and everything is bad within this post. I am just writing what's on my mind, and that's what I like to do.
I must start Order of the Phoenix immediately. Goodbye for now! :)