Whether they are true or not, I always want to believe that my horoscopes will 'scope out' my forecast for the day.
I was a trusty believer and soul confider in my horoscope, because believe it or not it actually has had some interesting predictions that have rang true in the past.
Well as of today I don't believe I can trust my friendly stars any longer. Here is what my horoscope said today in the WVU daily newspaper:
Take your car in for a checkup in the near future. Also, become a more cautious driver. Are you considering a home office or remodeling a room or two? Aquarius adores the different. Tonight: Return a long-distance call.
The only correlation I can find with the car thing is on Friday night when I almost drove downtown to pick up my drunken friend, Josh. BUT, I didn't do it, so what are the stars thinking?
Furthremore, I was thinking this weekend about how I wish I had a house instead of a 2 bedroom apartment. Is this the stars' way of mocking me? "Are you considering a home office or remodeling a room or two?" To hell with that. No wonder stars are so on fire.
I will however, return that long-distance call. Talk to you tonight then Colonel! :-)