Hello, fans of this blog. I'm writing this post-Thanksgiving. How was y'all's break? Mine was pretty nice! As expected, I got a sinus cold the first couple of days that I was home, and it hindered my excitement for the entire break, but I still managed to fit in a couple fun days.
I basically just hung low all week until Thursday or Friday (I can't remember which) when I finally decided I need to be social and stop basking in my own self pity about...a cold.
So, Jackie, Lyndsay, Danny and I went to Hagerstown as a pre-birthday party bash for Danny. We went to Chuck E. Cheese's where Danny could let his inner child out. I actually had an awesome time! There are pics on facebook for those of you that subscribe. Well, I had fun minus the fact that I thought my iPhone was stolen for a split second, before I realized it was just sitting on our table in a very crowded dining room for about half an hour! I got really lucky with that one.
I love my iPhone. :)
Anyway, so after that we went to Buffalo Wild Wings and had appetizers and I had a mojito which was delicious! After that, we all ended up back at Danny's house and watched Hairspray! I saw it in theaters not long ago with Andrew and Laura. I love it so much! Zac Efron! Are you kidding me!?
Alright, well time for bed for me! The semester is basically dunzo for me! What a ride it has been. I never thought that I would be where I am, when the semester started. But, alas, the tides continue to change. Not sure if I like it but hey I'm here, right? I love you guys so much! Let peace be with you!
pic: in the car leaving Hagerstown! :)