Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I Rest My Case

Check out the comments left in my last post. She proves my point even more!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Music Majors: Shut Up

To all of you that are music majors and continue to bitch about how many credits you have every semester, please shut up. Yeah it sucks, but if you want to be a music major then deal with it. If you want lesser credits per semester then schedule it that way. If you want less credits per semester, then stay an extra year to finish off and you won't be loaded so much. Otherwise, deal with the schedule and stop bitching about it. If you don't want to be a music major, then don't. We are all adults, and can make decisions for ourselves. Furthermore, we who are not music majors are really sick of hearing about your schedule and how hectic your life is, when we all have to deal with the stresses of student life.

Thank you.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Hillary Clinton on Federal Response to Hurricane Katrina

This woman is one of the most intelligent people I have ever encountered. I would suggest that if you have 5 minutes and a decent computer to run the streaming video, to go and watch what Mrs. Clinton has to say about the federal response to this hurricane. Just click the link below, and it will take you to the website. Then click, "Hillary Clinton on federal response to Katrina." It is well worth it, I assure you.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Federal Reaction or Lack Thereof

Bush continues to impress me with his overwhelmingly ignorant, and light-hearted reactions about major situations.