Friday, August 06, 2004

The Freezing Weather Depresses Me

Well today it was like 27 degrees or something like that. It's really frustrating. It's starting to feel like back to school time, and that's not a feeling I want to feel.

I went to FSU tonight to play tennis with Danny, Derek, and Karen and it was SOO cold...and on top of that, the draining sound of drums and the unbelievably annoying Dr. Beat were playing in the background while a band camp practiced in the Bobcat Stadium. I love marching band, but the summer is still here and I don't want to deal with hearing the noises I dreaded hearing everyday during band "camp" last summer.

I realized how much I miss being the drum major too. Danny, one of the guys I played tennis with tonight, is the drum major for Beall, the high school in Frostburg. I'm happy for him and he seems to be really excited about it.

I miss Maria being there to laugh at me when something happens that drum majors aren't supposed to laugh at. I miss all the times I directed with her at games. I miss all the hard work that we put in to the show that made it such a success. I miss a lot of things. The weather, alongside with the fact that, that will never happen again depresses me beyond belief.

I don't miss Mr. Kauffman screaming in to the loudspeaker.
I don't miss the times I would get dehyrdated and almost pass out on the podium during rehearsals in the stadium.
I don't miss Killer Monarch Butterflies attacking me on the podium in 'mid-direction' and then telling Mr. Kauffman that's what made me lose my balance, and then no one in the band seeing the damn butterfly.
I don't miss the fact that I would get yelled at when I wore sandels to rehearsal instead of tennis shoes, because my sandels matched and my tennis shoes didn't. (yeah it sounds girly but looking good is part of the act...I have to set examples HAHAHA )

All in all I miss being in high school, and it sucks. I didn't think I would, but times were so much easier then. There are plenty of pros to college (such as the fact that I am getting $700 back per semester to spend whichever way I please). I just seem to always focus on the cons, which is a recipe for disaster.

I never thought I'd say this but I actually think that I am losing interest in tennis as well. I mean I LOVE it and for some reason it's taken my No.1 priority in my life for the past couple years...but when I am playing I don't have to same urge to win as I used to. I need new people to play and I need it to be really hot out so it feels like the summer when I am playing.

I hope you all had a wonderful summer...I definitely did, I'm just not ready to let it go yet. :S


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I feel you. The weather here is unbelievably cool-kinda like early fall.

Anyways, the stuff you were talking about how much you missed high school is kinda the way I've been feeling. I had a horrible four years at my school and I thought that getting out was the only thing that would make me happy. And for awhile it did, but high school is kinda like a "safety net" don't have to worry as much about anything and you don't feel as though you have to make life-changing decisions (which is somewhat like you were saying in your post). It was nice in that sense but also very restricting so that's why I'm looking forward to college.

I know I'll have so much more free time for myself and not having to worry about the little things I used to have to do. I can do pretty much whatever I want and that's the kind of thing you have to look forward to and compare to the past.

Lora-sorry if this post was kinda lame just thought I should say something about it. Cheer up!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to post again but I wish you could come down to see Lisa, Lee, and I before you went back to school. Oh well, it's cool, we'll see each other again someday, hahaha.
