Well this semester went by pretty fast.
It's already the second to last week here, and I can't believe it. I only have classes up to Friday and then I have 5 finals next week. But they are all done by Wednesday so that's good. I have one the 11th, 2 on the 13th, 1 on the 14th, and 1 on the 15th, and then I am out of here!
So many things are going to be different next semester. But all in all, I can say that my first semester here was a life-changing experience. I met some of the best people on Earth here and had some great times with them.
Next semester, Mandy and Katie are going to be RA's. That's pretty weird. As a result of this, Eileen is moving in to Alix's room with her. The Fab Four (Mandy, Alix, Krissy, and Eileen...plus Katie) will be reduced to The Triple Threat. I am moving out of here, and in to 219 with my friend Ben...for no apparent reason. He needed out of his room and I figured I would be his roommate because he's a cool guy. So we'll see how things are going next semester.
I applied to the new Applebees resturaunt that is opening in LaVale. My friend Zach applied and was called the next day and has an interview on Friday so he is on a roll with that. So, hopefully they will do the same with me and I will have some cash for when I come back in the spring. Not much cash, but cash nonetheless.
A couple of you have asked why nothing that exciting has happened in my life lately. My answer is I don't know. Before, I would only update when crazy things come to mind or when I had a funny story to tell. Now, I am updating as much as I can about what is happening in my life. I am doing this as much for you guys as for myself. I want to be able to go back and read about what was going on in my life at the time...because I know I will forget unless it is documented.
Another thing to think about is where I am going to be next year at this time. Temple? James Madison? Frostburg? There are so many options and I can't figure out what I want to major in. It's quite stressful. I try to stay as collected as I can, but time is running out.
New Years is going to be the best. While my New Years experience last year wasn't exactly what I was expecting (sat in my room by myself, and watched 10,000 episodes of Sex and the City), this year will be quite a contrast. Alix is inviting a bunch of us (Me, Mandy, Eileen, Katie, Kevin, and Krissy) to her house. Her mom is renting a stretch Hummer limo and we are going to Ocean City to eat at some nice ass resturaunt and then back to her house for some New Years PARTYING!! Even though I don't drink at all, I told the ladies (and Kevin) I would take a sip of champagne just because it would feel necessary. Maybe this New Years will top the fun I had in New Orleans two years ago?
Anyway, for those of you who are still at school with me right now...let's have fun. We only have a week left before we have to say goodbye for a while. :)
P.S. I have been uploading pictures from the fall in to my online photo album through Yahoo! However, since I am a nice guy, I have provided a link for you
here. Have fun!