To take my mind off finals, I decided to paint. I like painting but I never really did well with it. Well the other night I decided to try some things out and I painted something cool. It's called "Her Flowers." I like it a lot, and some other people do too. I don't know if I am going to keep it or if I am going to give it to someone. I like to give things to people but I am proud of it and I think I wanna keep it. Atleast for a while. Maybe it will sell for THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of dollars. Or, for nothing at all.
Well, my final is at 2:30 tomorrow, so I have to go to bed so I can wake up at noon and study some more for it. It's just my English final, and I am confident I will do well on it.
Below is a pic of the painting I did! I am very proud of it. You can browse through other pics I have posted through Yahoo! I have 4 galleries of pics up right now (My Life, Fall 2004, My Best Friend, and New York Trip '04). Check them out here. :)

Her Flowers!

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