All I do is go to eat with Matt and complain about the disgusting french onion soup I had at The Manhattan two days ago, which has somehow managed to make it to the foreground of an otherwise amazing picture. I guess it has its place somewhere, right? Do you like the picture of Matt? I took it with my phone believe it or not, and did some photoshopping, but otherwise it's an awesome picture. I don't think he even knew I took it, so that makes it even more awesome. I feel like it should be entered in a photo contest or something. Or not.
Today I will be going to the midnight release of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix which has my body tingling just writing about it. As most of you know, I am a huge Harry Potter fan. I am a nerd to the point that I actually Photoshopped my face on to the cover of the next book. I am going to post it on here in a few days, but if you're a curious little cat you can check it out right here for the next couple of days. Matt and I talked about Harry Potter at The Manhattan the other day but he just makes fun of me, and says "Yeah the only wizard I know is Dumbleydorf." Needless to say those conversations are short lived.
After lunch today, Matt and I hung out and then went to the Draft Zone with Jordan, Rachel, Shea, Mallory, Erin, Another Matt, and Jackie. I had heard nothing but good things about it but it was one of the lamest places I have been in a while. I mean given it was a Monday night, but I was still expecting a little more excitement. The food indeed was good, but I found myself looking for entertainment a little more than I was expecting.
After the Draft Zone, Matt and I went back to his place and watched 4 or 5 episodes of The Office. He loves it and I had never actually watched and entire episode. Turns out it's probably one of my favorite shows already! I really love it.
As you can see this post is extremely early (or late) and it's all because of Matt. Since befriending him, I have been living a rather unhealthy lifestyle. I am compensating by eating better. Instead of cookies and milk like it had been for a while, I am eating tuna sandwiches (minus the bread that I left at Rachel's) and water. I actually can feel such a huge difference when I am actually eating well. I just have such a sweet tooth. Anyway, I need to get my ass to bed. I have a long day of doing nothing again. Peace out ya'll.
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