15 minutes in to the movie, and I was tired of Susan bitching about the marriage. Does she not realize that her husband is one of the smartest people on the planet, and that they can't just quit saving the world? I mean considering she's part of the team, you would think she would understand this, and it just becomes really annoying for the audience.
Secondly, the surfer is introduced the minute the movie starts, but we don't figure out what the hell the point of him being there is, until the last 25 minutes of the movie. To me, it wasn't a big deal, because I know the story of the Silver Surfer, but to those who aren't as in to comic book movies, I would imagine this would be extremely annoying.
Susan Storm looks weird in this movie. She tries to be artsy with her black-wire-frame glasses, but it just isn't working. The weird skin tone with the platinum blonde hair just isn't working. And, I am pretty sure that she has weird colored contacts in too.
One thing I really liked was the development of Johnny Storm. He actually showed some emotion rather than just being the idiot with all the punch lines that looks good. Also, Reed's character is a lot less stoic as compared to the first movie. I really hated the writing from the first movie, but this movie is a HUGE improvement to the last as regards the development of the character.
In the end, I give this movie 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars. :)
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