If you are reading this on Monday, I hope that you don't see it as a depressing beginning to your week, but I feel like this kid needs his name put out there. A middle school student was shot and killed in front of all of his classmates because he was self-proclaimed gay. In his own way he was a pioneer for young gay men, coming in to who they are. We live in America, shouldn't it be accepted that everyone is different? It feels like the older I get, the more hate this country sees.
A particularly heartbreaking part of the story reads:
The Ventura County Star reports: "He said his son was headstrong, confident, artistic and sweet. Larry King loved to sing songs by folk rock trio Crosby, Stills and Nash, and was studying 'The Star-Spangled Banner' in hopes of singing it at his younger brother's baseball games, his father said. 'He had a very gifted singing voice.' He was so good, in fact, that one of Greg King's friends — unaware of the family's tragedy — called Wednesday to say his son should audition for 'American Idol.'"
If there were ever a time to stop this bullshit it's now. Not only was a defenseless child killed for being who he wants to be, but it happened because some other 14 year old kid had access to a gun, and was able to bring it in to the school. The probability of this kid not being shot in the head a close range in front of his classmates would have been far greater, but we Americans keep voting to keep guns in the hands of the wrong people in our country.
All of this aside, how many school shootings have we seen in just the last year? I'm sure there are tons more going on, but look at Virginia Tech, and now Northern Illinois University. There was also a mall shooting that I recall but can't seem to put a date on.
Come on America! Wake up! ! ! ! ! ! It's up to us to keep this from happening.
It has to change, and it can this November. Save another defenseless kid's life and vote for the candidate that keeps guns out of the wrong hands.
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