Oh my God, last Thursday was f'ing horrible. It was February 1, 2008 and I don't remember the last time I had a day like that.
I went to my morning classes which were gray and boring. Additionally, I didn't learn anything. I came home around 1, and was just pissing around doing nothing.
About 2:00 I make my way downtown for my 2:30 class, and put my money in my meter when I parked and went on with my business to class.
Well, class really really really really sucked. It was by far one of the worst classes I have had in a long time. I bombed the quiz we had on Tuesday, then managed to bomb the quiz we took that day. I wasn't participating the way I would have liked. Then, we did group work and no one was really talking which annoyed the shit out of me. Then, after all was said and done, we had to choose which group did the best job and low and behold, it definitely wasn't mine.
I walked out of the class totally pissed off at life. I felt like the class was exploiting those who didn't already know a lot about the subject and glorifying those that did. C'Anna called me right as class got out and was bitching about something. I said, "Listen I am having one of the worst days I've had in a really long time so if you're calling to bitch me out, just call me back later." She said, "Okay just meet me at your car." No problem.
So, I put my headphones on and I'm just like in a zone when I listen to my music. I walk down to my car and notice that I have a bunch of literature on my windshield. I'm thinking, "Great my meter expired and I owe like a million dollars." Then, I notice C'Anna get out of her car, which was parked right next to mine, and walk to me vigorously. At this point I still have my headphones on. I pull them out of my ears and hear her say, "Are you alright!?"
I mumble back, "Yeah, I'm fine...but I have a bunch of literature on my windshield; I have like 10 tickets or something."
The next words reverberated through my body like my Thanksgiving Ho-Down:
"You have a boot on your car."
"I do?"
I think a million different things ran through my head at that moment. I turned, looked at my car, and immediately just wanted to sit down on the curb like a 4 year old little girl and scream, "WHY!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!"
BUT, luckily I have a best friend that was able to calm me down and relax me before I did any serious harm to those around me. She told me to breathe, and so I did. She said she would take me wherever I needed to go (even though she was on a tight schedule herself), and everything would be fine.
Long story short, I had to pay $96 to get it taken off. I apparently had 2 $5 tickets from 2006 that hadn't been paid, but it took them nearly two years before they decided to boot my car. Now I totally get why they have bullet proof glass to separate the angry citizens.
Word to your mother: pay your damn tickets people.
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