So, I am usually very excited about Valentine's Day. I never have a serious Valentine, but it's still fun, ya know? Same goes for this year. Although, I had big plans for tomorrow with a special someone from my past, I still am going in to it excited. I sent my mom, sister, and grandmother cards. Fun, huh?
A lot of people are bitter about it, but I don't think that Valentine's Day has to be about having a girlfriend or boyfriend. It's about showing the people that you love, how much you actually love them. That's how I see it anyway
Above is a picture of my iPhone. I was really excited about this new theme. For those that don't use iPhones, normally they do not look like this. But, I have hacked mine (on my own thank you very much) and am able to use third party applications such as said theme. If you have a hacked iPhone, the theme is called Xadacka's Random Red. It is just a neat design with the icons highlighted to give depth. I love it. It's red for Valentine' Day, so that's that.
Anyway, I am listening to Amy Winehouse's "Back to Black" CD again, and falling in love with it all over again. I listened to it a lot this summer, but since she swept the Grammy's, I've been trying to go back and appreciate it differently.
Speaking of which, did you guys read what Natalie Cole had to say about Amy Winehouse winning 5 of her 6 Grammy nominations? Natalie even presented for one of Amy's wins (Record of the Year). Natalie tries to say it's promoting drugs and a bad work ethic. Does Natalie realize that regardless of what she thinks, a lot of work and talent was put in to "Back to Black" and "Rehab?" Obviously, the ex-somebody is just jealous. Amy Winehouse may have issues, but who in the music industry doesn't? Just as Trent said over at Pink is the New Blog: if Grammy's were to be withheld from every artist with drug problems who would be left to win? I will say Natalie looks DAMN GOOD for being 58 years old. She's working it really nicely. Now stop being sour.
That's all for today. Happy Valentine's Day to you all tomorrow! Spread some love!
I completely agree....the best music doesn't always deal with happiness and love songs...
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