Well, there has been a changing of the guard. Canada is my new favorite country. I don't want to sound like such a foreigner here, but it's really true. I went to visit Doug, Tommy, Lauren, and Jen...my four obsessions from when I was working in Italy this year. I got to hang out with them for a few days, and partied, and got really upset and poured my heart out to all the wrong people, had in depth heart-to-hearts that needed to happen, and most importantly, I ate moose. Okay that last part isn't true at all, but I was real pissed that I didn't see a moose. Actually, if I saw a moose I would probably spray it's ass with mace and run away.
Anyway, I sat by the pool most of the first day and got a real sick sun burn. Then the next couple of days it rained like 40 days and 40 nights, and I was FREEEEEZING. They kept telling me how cold it was in Celsius and I would be like, "I have no idea what that means." For you Americans, it was a good 40-50 degrees. It was sooo cold. Autumn is just around the corner and it's scaring me. Stop it Autumn.
There was this girl in high school named Autumn Smith and she would sing her damn throat out. She had short hair and then she joined Queen City Funk and Soul. She's also very pretty. Check her out.
Anyway, after a couple of days with my favorites, I went on and met up with Tanya in Hamilton. We went to breakfast, then we went on to the Royal Botanical Gardens, which were BEAUTIFUL! Then we went to lunch at a really nice artsy fartsy place. It reminded me of a softer Pittsburgh or something.
Anyway, Canada was AMAZING! I had such a blast, and I have the best friends in the world. Literally. It was so much fun to get there and see how they live after meeting them half way across the planet. It's so surreal how my life is introducing people like this to me. It's almost hard to believe, like it's out of a movie or something. I am so grateful and am constantly thanking God for letting me in on some of these peoples' lives.
You guys are a dream come true.
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