I know that I have talked about how great his music is on my blog before, but that doesn't change the fact that he's just an idiot.
Of course many people remember the famous "George Bush doesn't care about black people" remark on that Katrina telethon. This was really what started my hatred towards him. Even though I agree with him, and think that George Bush is probably a racist asshole, I can't stand it when people get on television and make ridiculous remarks like that. Please, shut up.
Further, please shut up about all of the awards you think you should win. Kanye West is not THAT great. What I hate most about hip-hop is how every syllable of every note, of every song has to be some vibrant attempt to stroke the artist's own ego. Kanye West is the definition of egotistical, "roll your eyes and just listen to his music" type of hip-hop.
The thing that really pissed me off was this recent video of him grabbing some guy's camera in an airport and smashing it off the ground and then walking passed the line that was waiting and watching his immaturity. I hate that douche bags like Kanye West think they are above the law, and above other human beings because they've sold some records.
Ultimately, this all goes back to our society and culture. We live in a culture where an ex-felon rapper, or a 15 year old with zero talent that wears a wig can make half a billion dollars, but people like teachers, firefighters, and policemen who do the world well have to figure out how to pay their bills.
I'm sure this is a popular topic that a lot of people have talked about amongst their friends. By now it just sounds like the same old shit. But what it all boils down to is the fact that no matter what happens in this world:
I still can't stand Kanye West.
That is all.
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