Thursday, December 09, 2004

Here's What I Think About Winter

...I hate it.

Even though my birthday is in the winter (January 24th), as well as Johnukkah (the annual festivity that is much like Hannukah, where we celebrate my birthday a week before and a week after my birthday, and people give me presents each day of this celebration. It never usually works out that way, but some day we will all celebrate Johnnukah). I just hate the snow. I hate the cold. I hate the miserable looking people that hate it along with me.

But that's what seperates me from it all, is that even though I hate it, the only place I complain about it is here. Which is fine, because if you don't want to hear me complain you can just click that little X up in the right hand corner and that's that.

Winter sucks.

I am going to go watch Ocean's Eleven so that I can watch Ocean's Twelve with some sort of understanding when it comes out. Or did it come out? Why don't I know these things?

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