Monday, April 03, 2006

I Don't Want to See the Sun Come Up

What the hell is wrong with me? I had 3 green teas last night, 2 of which had caffeine in them. So, of course, I ended up staying awake until like 7a.m. to watch the sun rise. It sucked that I was up so late (or early) but watching the sun come up was actually very beautiful. It was the first time I had seen it happen since I have lived here.

Today, I did basically nothing. I slept until like 2:00 and then went to work at 3. I worked til 7:30 and saw some faces I hadn't seen in a while. It was nice.

I haven't been feeling well all day and I am not sure why. Maybe it was the 3 green teas? But I love tea so much I could just sit around all day and drink it.

My electric is probbaly going to be turned off tomorrow because BB&T (or BB& Fee as I like to call it) stole $107 which just also happens to be the amount I need to pay for my electric. I hate my life.

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