Okay, so as most of you know, Harry Potter is and probably always will be a large part of my life. Naturally, I went out to the midnight release of the fifth movie
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, and I have to say that I was actually really blown away by how great it was.
I have been expecting this movie for a long time, so it would be fair to say that I may have been caught up in the hype and am not ready to criticize it badly yet. Here are some pros and cons, less than 24 hours after the viewing.
1. Telling the story - For being such a large book, the producers and director did a fantastic job of getting the story of what happens in the book to come across on the big screen. Yeah, they changed a few things, but the overall importance of the story has been told and has been told well.
2. Special Effects - This is the third movie in a row that I have been extremely blown away by the special effects. However, even compared to the other movies in the franchise, this movie stands out. If you go back and look at the special effects, especially the lights that are blasted when spells are cast, it is such a huge difference. Which brings me to the next pro...
3. The Battle in the Ministry of Magic - Special effects and excitement at its very best! ! A lot of people had issues with this scene because it was very different from the book. In the book, the statues are fighting along Dumbledore and are animated. In the movie it's just Dumbledore and Voldemort going at it. However, it's very well done, and is definitely the most exciting part of the movie, for me.
4. Luna and Umbridge - I don't think they could have done better casting for these parts. These characters are PERFECT in every way. I could not find one bad thing to say about these characters. I also like how they brought Luna to the front. She is an awesome character and we see her just enough to enjoy her very well. Not too much not too little.
5. Ginny! - Ginny f*cks up some Death Eaters in this movie and I love it! "Reducto!" in the Ministry of Magic is pretty awesome. The fact that they are showcasing her talent in this movie is really exciting to me because she definitely has some important scenes in the next book, and I'm sure the final book.
6. Harry seeing sunsets! - So, when Snape uses Legilimens on Harry he sees Harry's thoughts. Each time that Harry goes through his memories, the very last shot is of a sun setting! This is huge in my opinion.
The cover of Deathly Hallows includes an orange sky which can be seen as a sunset or a sunrise. A sunset is also shown on the deluxe edition of the American cover, which the editor says is "very pivotal and climactic." The fact that Harry has seen sunsets is very interesting to me.
1. Jumpy - The movie definitely feels a bit jumpy. As soon as you're situated in one scene you're somewhere else. It's not terribly noticeable, but something that sort of annoyed me.
2. Kreacher - Recently, the director or producer of the movie, I can't remember exactly who said it, mentioned that Jo said that if they didn't incorporate Kreacher in to this movie, that they would have their hands tied when they made the seventh and final movie. So, obviously he has made it in to the movie. However, I hate his part. Kreacher basically does nothing more than look at Harry Potter and get yelled at by Sirius. It's almost better to just leave him out because if you aren't a fan, it makes no sense that this ugly elf is just walking around. But, I guess maybe it will be easier to assess his importance next weekend when the final book comes out. Did I really just say the last book comes out next weekend!?
3. Where are Ron & Hermione? - This movie REALLY focusses on Harry. Given that throughout the book Ron & Hermione are sort of distant from Harry, there still doesn't seem to be enough. The previous 4 movies work with Harry as part of the trio, but still give him the light. This movie is ALL ABOUT Harry.
4. Dudley's Nike Ad - I don't like product placement in movies that don't need it. When we first see Dudley he's wearing a Nike shirt and they almost zoom in on the Nike swoosh. Lame.
In conclusion, this movie was really exciting and amazing in so many ways. It's VERY different from the first four movies, so if you are expecting the same kind of thing, try to prepare yourself. Harry is a lot more emotional and the movie in general is much darker. Sorry for such a long post, but I love this stuff.
I'll be back tomorrow to post my final thoughts on the last book which will be released next weekend. Who I think dies, lives, and some minor things I would like to see happen!