Friday, January 18, 2008

First Week Back

It's so cold here in Morgantown, it's unreal. I don't remember being this cold in a long time.

Hopefully, I don't get sick. I was sick with like tuberculosis or something over winter break and it took almost 4 weeks before I felt 100% again.

It's so nice to be back, and be healthy. I have missed all of my friend here in Morgantown. Not to say my Winter Break wasn't awesome, because it definitely was. I was doing stuff every day, and just having a blast. Although, I was doing this every night and I think that's why I wasn't recovering from my sickness very well.

My work load is outrageous per week. I have a lot of stuff due every week, but I guess that's part of the deal right? I stress myself to the breaking point, so I can get a piece of paper that says I'm credible. We'll see how it goes. I can't be stressed out. It's not healthy, and 2008 is about being healthy.

Speaking of being healthy, I am really excited to start tennis again. I took an extended break just to sort of free my mind from it, and come back with a whole new outlook. It's good to do this because sometimes you can get caught up in a certain type of playing and don't allow yourself to improve. I'm extremely unfit, but I look forward to playing myself in to shape. More on that in another blog.

Anyway, I'll be video blogging from the brand new Writing Center, and from my Editing class (which is brand new, and lined with 20" aluminum iMacs! I could have died when I walked in there!). So if you're even remotely interested, keep checking back! :)

Happiness, and peace 2 u n urs.

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