Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Goodbye Ennis

This really sucks, and I feel compelled to write about it. I'm sure everyone has heard the bad news about Heath Ledger dying today. It really sucks. I mean, it's not like he is someone I think about on a daily basis, but given the circumstances of my uncle who passed away in April, when he was 27, it sort of hit close to home.

Almost immediately people were reacting. MySpace bulletins. Facebook groups in Heath's honor. Text messages. Everyone, for whatever reason, wanted to let me know what happened. Everyone is shocked, and has something to say.

What's going on with Hollywood though? The last person I would have expected to see on CNN regarding this headline was Heath Ledger. He seemed so level headed and was such a respected actor. Britney: maybe. Heath: no.

I thought Heath was awesome in Brokeback Mountain. Definitely one of the best movies of its time. 10 Things I Hate About You is also a good one.

Anyway, I guess I am just thinking out loud. This Anna Nicole Smith Syndrome as I like to call it, has to be tearing a lot of families apart. If Heath Ledger of all people is dying of these overdoses, don't you think it's just a matter of time before Britney or Amy Winehouse are on the front pages?

Scary business, I say.

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