Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I haven't watched a single episode of American Idol this season yet I still continue to blog about it on a weekly basis.

So yeah, okay...David Archuleta forgot some words last night. Definitely not a good performance and I am really sad to see it. However, talking to my friend Daniel today, we both think that that will actually gain him some sympathy votes. We'll see tonight. I'll be at work though, so if you are reading this, please text me as soon as the results are announced!

Meanwhile, I didn't get in to Danny Noriega until the week he was voted off. But he was on Ellen today and sang an AWESOME rendition of "Superstar" by The Carpenters. Check it out below.

Hope you all are having a good week! :)

1 comment:

Chere said...

This song is pitchy and not a good choice for Ellen's show. He should have picked something upbeat, presented without the silly moves he displayed on Idol. Danny has rhythm but is drastically in need of dance coaching if he wants to move on in this field.
Danny's personality is a little too flip to appeal to the masses. He needs to adjust this if he wants to move on (more coaching). He also needs to close his mouth instead of wearing the perpetual "catching flies" mouth breather look which is very unattractive. I doubt, however, Danny's attitude is open to any sort of corrective criticism or coaching and Danny will simply become yet another forgettable Idol wannabe.
I was glad when he was voted off. He irritates me.
John's *great-aunt Chere
("*great" as in one generation older than an aunt - John's father is my nephew).