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A week or so ago, I posted a blog about this young boy named Larry that was shot and killed by his classmate. What I didn't know was that Larry asked his killer to be his Valentine a few days before the incident.
Ellen vocalized the message I tried to say today on her show.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Help A Brotha Out

Alright people, time to be a good person.
My good friend Mason DeWitt, a student at Northern Arizona University, has asked me to donate money to his Relay for Life team there. He's very passionate about it and seems to be focusing a lot of his energy towards it, so I told him I would help him out.
Personally, I will be donating $70 (haha) over the next month or so.
You can donate a minimum of $5, and it's definitely put towards a good cause. The American Cancer Society is an awesome way to spread awareness and survivorship for those that have passed away with cancer, those struggling with it, those who have survived, and the families and friends that are just as much a part of this epidemic.
Some of you may know my good friend C'Anna Keffer, who at 17 was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. She is the Survivorship Chairperson for Colleges Against Cancer here at WVU. I helped C'Anna write a budget proposal in our business writing class that proposed the idea of getting even 1% of the $77,000 that she raised last year. The American Cancer Society says no, but we're working on that.
Anyway to make a donation click here. It's worth a great cause, and if you do end up donating, let me know so I can let Mason know who decided to donate!
Your Weekly Dose of David
People...I can't get over how AMAZING this kid is. He has one of those voices that you don't even have to worry about because you know he is going to bring it every single week.
I can't wait for him to be a superstar.
I can't wait for him to be a superstar.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
This Is Just "Too Much" ;)
Okay, so finally, after much ado, the final roster for my 3 tickets for the Spice Girls show is now Mandy Cutshaw, Alix Shroeck, and myself.
Words can not describe my emotions.
Spice Girls, with 2 of my favorite people in the world.
Video/Blogging to come!
Words can not describe my emotions.
Spice Girls, with 2 of my favorite people in the world.
Video/Blogging to come!
Monday, February 18, 2008
New Music Monday: Kanye West

Yeah, well I have been bored and it's raining/snowing so what can you do?
Hopefully from now on I will be posting an entry each Monday detailing my latest favorite music.
This week it's definitely Kanye West's third album "Graduation." This album has been out for a while but I never got around to listening to it. Sure enough I finally did, and it is awesome!
Typically, Kanye annoys me. His rants about his awards just get old. Yeah it's been said a million times, but it just makes him look like such a jerk.
That being said, he's still an amazing artist. I haven't been able to say that I like EVERY song on an album in a while, but I think this one takes the cake.
Here is a link to listen to my favorite song on the album, "Homecoming."
Happy Monday everyone! :)
Need A Reason For Change?

If you are reading this on Monday, I hope that you don't see it as a depressing beginning to your week, but I feel like this kid needs his name put out there. A middle school student was shot and killed in front of all of his classmates because he was self-proclaimed gay. In his own way he was a pioneer for young gay men, coming in to who they are. We live in America, shouldn't it be accepted that everyone is different? It feels like the older I get, the more hate this country sees.
A particularly heartbreaking part of the story reads:
The Ventura County Star reports: "He said his son was headstrong, confident, artistic and sweet. Larry King loved to sing songs by folk rock trio Crosby, Stills and Nash, and was studying 'The Star-Spangled Banner' in hopes of singing it at his younger brother's baseball games, his father said. 'He had a very gifted singing voice.' He was so good, in fact, that one of Greg King's friends — unaware of the family's tragedy — called Wednesday to say his son should audition for 'American Idol.'"
If there were ever a time to stop this bullshit it's now. Not only was a defenseless child killed for being who he wants to be, but it happened because some other 14 year old kid had access to a gun, and was able to bring it in to the school. The probability of this kid not being shot in the head a close range in front of his classmates would have been far greater, but we Americans keep voting to keep guns in the hands of the wrong people in our country.
All of this aside, how many school shootings have we seen in just the last year? I'm sure there are tons more going on, but look at Virginia Tech, and now Northern Illinois University. There was also a mall shooting that I recall but can't seem to put a date on.
Come on America! Wake up! ! ! ! ! ! It's up to us to keep this from happening.
It has to change, and it can this November. Save another defenseless kid's life and vote for the candidate that keeps guns out of the wrong hands.
Own A Mac?

If you own a Mac like I do (MacBook Pro, Core 2 Duo, 2.16, 120GB for the nerds), then you may find this post fascinating. I found it over on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW).
Friday, February 15, 2008
Get Clean
Someone needs to me committed. :P
A (one-sided) conversation left for me when I came home from Wal-Mart tonight:
Shane says:
real monsers
adams family?
where are you john
I hear the flames are coming, get down to the shed
to the stars, to the stars
ey ey ey ey ey
Are you hungry?
A (one-sided) conversation left for me when I came home from Wal-Mart tonight:
Shane says:
real monsers
adams family?
where are you john
I hear the flames are coming, get down to the shed
to the stars, to the stars
ey ey ey ey ey
Are you hungry?
WOW! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
I kind of gave up on American Idol after season 4 or so, but I was piddling around on some popular blog sites today and ran across a video of an American Idol contestant for this season. His name is David Archuleta, and just like I did the first week of American Idol a few years ago when on the first night I said Fantasia would win, I am going to do it again and say this 16 year old kid will tear this season up! He's awesome, so vote for him!
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Thursday, February 14, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Valentine's Eve

So, I am usually very excited about Valentine's Day. I never have a serious Valentine, but it's still fun, ya know? Same goes for this year. Although, I had big plans for tomorrow with a special someone from my past, I still am going in to it excited. I sent my mom, sister, and grandmother cards. Fun, huh?
A lot of people are bitter about it, but I don't think that Valentine's Day has to be about having a girlfriend or boyfriend. It's about showing the people that you love, how much you actually love them. That's how I see it anyway
Above is a picture of my iPhone. I was really excited about this new theme. For those that don't use iPhones, normally they do not look like this. But, I have hacked mine (on my own thank you very much) and am able to use third party applications such as said theme. If you have a hacked iPhone, the theme is called Xadacka's Random Red. It is just a neat design with the icons highlighted to give depth. I love it. It's red for Valentine' Day, so that's that.
Anyway, I am listening to Amy Winehouse's "Back to Black" CD again, and falling in love with it all over again. I listened to it a lot this summer, but since she swept the Grammy's, I've been trying to go back and appreciate it differently.
Speaking of which, did you guys read what Natalie Cole had to say about Amy Winehouse winning 5 of her 6 Grammy nominations? Natalie even presented for one of Amy's wins (Record of the Year). Natalie tries to say it's promoting drugs and a bad work ethic. Does Natalie realize that regardless of what she thinks, a lot of work and talent was put in to "Back to Black" and "Rehab?" Obviously, the ex-somebody is just jealous. Amy Winehouse may have issues, but who in the music industry doesn't? Just as Trent said over at Pink is the New Blog: if Grammy's were to be withheld from every artist with drug problems who would be left to win? I will say Natalie looks DAMN GOOD for being 58 years old. She's working it really nicely. Now stop being sour.
That's all for today. Happy Valentine's Day to you all tomorrow! Spread some love!
Sunday, February 10, 2008

Holy cow, this album is the art of music at it's best. I downloaded it because I had "1234," the song made popular on the iPod Nano commercials, already downloaded, and I wanted to hear what the rest sounded like.
It's amazing! So amazing! Probably going to be one of my top 5 albums of 2008 even though it was released last year.
In the midst of my endorsing this album I kept saying, "Wow it really needs to be nominated for a Grammy."
Low and behold little miss Feist was nominated for:
Best New Artist
Best Female Pop Performance ("1234")
Best Pop Vocal Album
Best Short Form Music Video
I hope that she wins every one of them. Winning Best New Artist has always been a huge Grammy award to win. Though she's up against Amy Winehouse, Paramore, Taylor Swift, and Ledisi. I think she could win it if Amy doesn't win it. Since Amy is in rehab, you kind of have to lend the win to Feist.
I'm so happy that I was all about this album and didn't even realize that it was nominated. When that happens I always feel like I have good taste in music.
That being said, I am a huge Amy supporter. I am excited for her performance live via telecast tonight. Or will it be via telecast? Let's just say I have inside info. You heard it here first! ;)
My question is, when Amy performs, will she be performing "Rehab?" Becuase, yeah they did make her go to rehab, yes, yes, yes. Ironic, no?
The 50th Annual Grammy Awards are on tonight at 8:00 EST.
Friday, February 08, 2008
This Boot Was Made For Walkin'

Oh my God, last Thursday was f'ing horrible. It was February 1, 2008 and I don't remember the last time I had a day like that.
I went to my morning classes which were gray and boring. Additionally, I didn't learn anything. I came home around 1, and was just pissing around doing nothing.
About 2:00 I make my way downtown for my 2:30 class, and put my money in my meter when I parked and went on with my business to class.
Well, class really really really really sucked. It was by far one of the worst classes I have had in a long time. I bombed the quiz we had on Tuesday, then managed to bomb the quiz we took that day. I wasn't participating the way I would have liked. Then, we did group work and no one was really talking which annoyed the shit out of me. Then, after all was said and done, we had to choose which group did the best job and low and behold, it definitely wasn't mine.
I walked out of the class totally pissed off at life. I felt like the class was exploiting those who didn't already know a lot about the subject and glorifying those that did. C'Anna called me right as class got out and was bitching about something. I said, "Listen I am having one of the worst days I've had in a really long time so if you're calling to bitch me out, just call me back later." She said, "Okay just meet me at your car." No problem.
So, I put my headphones on and I'm just like in a zone when I listen to my music. I walk down to my car and notice that I have a bunch of literature on my windshield. I'm thinking, "Great my meter expired and I owe like a million dollars." Then, I notice C'Anna get out of her car, which was parked right next to mine, and walk to me vigorously. At this point I still have my headphones on. I pull them out of my ears and hear her say, "Are you alright!?"
I mumble back, "Yeah, I'm fine...but I have a bunch of literature on my windshield; I have like 10 tickets or something."
The next words reverberated through my body like my Thanksgiving Ho-Down:
"You have a boot on your car."
"I do?"
I think a million different things ran through my head at that moment. I turned, looked at my car, and immediately just wanted to sit down on the curb like a 4 year old little girl and scream, "WHY!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!"
BUT, luckily I have a best friend that was able to calm me down and relax me before I did any serious harm to those around me. She told me to breathe, and so I did. She said she would take me wherever I needed to go (even though she was on a tight schedule herself), and everything would be fine.
Long story short, I had to pay $96 to get it taken off. I apparently had 2 $5 tickets from 2006 that hadn't been paid, but it took them nearly two years before they decided to boot my car. Now I totally get why they have bullet proof glass to separate the angry citizens.
Word to your mother: pay your damn tickets people.
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