Sunday, September 26, 2004

Some Like It, Others Don't...

So, in the couple of weeks I have been in college I still haven't found someone that interests me in the love department. Ya know? I mean there are some fine foxes up in this campus but overall, there really isn't anything that I am interested in.

Sure there are a couple of people that have caught my eye, but due to whatever circumstances, I haven't been able to persue anything. Everyone looks and acts the same up here too...I've noticed that. That's awfully depressing. I mean every single girl wears the same things. Usually some demoralizing shirt, countered with some tight jeans or shorts that outline her uterus. By the way ladies of FSU, the thong hanging out of your jeans look isn't very those of us who are looking for someone half decent. Maybe that's just me.

As for the guys it's all the same...American Eagle shirts with jeans. Most of these guys have some sort of ball hat on too...but not all. To complete the collection it is followed by some sort of silver or gold necklace and some blinging ass watch. Yeah, I have all of those things too, and occassionally fall in to that trap of blending in...but sometimes I need to. I don't want to be the one not standing out. Ya know what I mean? Half the time I am walking through campus I am wearing the same pair of shorts i slept in and a 99 cent Hanes pocket tee.

The diversity really sucks at Frostburg...I will say that. I mean really bad. Yeah there are plenty of people from all different kinds of backgrounds but not an overwhelming amount. The overwhelming amount of people are white people, with frowns, plaid shirts, and some sort of science book in his or her hand because apparently I am the only person not majoring in science here.

I can sit here and complain all day if I want, but I choose not to. There are plenty of things to be greatful for on campus...but these are just some things I've noticed. The more I think about it, the more I don't want to be here next year.

In conclusion, I think I just want to be somewhere where when I ask, "What are you doing tonight?" I don't get the response, "Going to get drunk with my friends and [insert fraternity or sorority group here]," every single time.

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